Tef 250 Activities
Tef 250 Activities

Tef 250 Activities

No refund / transfer of fee is possible once the registrations have been closed. The fees might be subject to change without prior notice. ** For further information about levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.), please check our General French Course structure.Į-te f Cana da, 4 sections are compulsory, total fees is INR 18,500 + GST (18%) For more info, visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

  • shows the distribution of scores obtained in each of the sections, offers detailed comments on the skills and places your level on a scale from
  • is not a diploma and cannot be considered as a proof of success.
  • is usually delivered 4 to 5 weeks after the test.
  • The attestation of results of the e-te f Cana da:

    Tef 250 Activities

    The results will be made available in the form of an e-version of the certificate, no hard copy will be made available. The results of the e-te f Cana da will be announced in about 4 weeks (approx.) after the exam by e-mail. All four section are held on the same day. Hence working knowledge of computers is needed.

    Tef 250 Activities

    * These sections are done online, using a computer.

  • Oral expression : 15 min – 2 topics to cover.
  • Written expression: 60 min – 2 topics to cover.
  • Oral comprehension (Listening): 40 min – 60 questions.
  • Written comprehension: 60 min – 50 questions.
  • The e-te f Cana da includes 4 compulsory sections: It offers a detailed and personalized analysis of results. It gives a quantitative and qualitative measure of the level of candidate’s linguistic and communication skills. It assess comprehension and expression skills in French. The oral tests can be done from the audio CD sold separately (9716-7).The e-te f Cana da – Test d’Evaluation de Français adapté au Canada – is a French language test approved by “ Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)” for people aspiring to immigrate to Canada including Quebec. The test, proposed in the second part of the book, allows the learner to prefigure his result in the compulsory tests of the TEF and to effectively assess his level.

    Tef 250 Activities

    Proposed by the CCIP (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris), this test allows all non-French-speaking audiences to measure and validate their knowledge and skills in French according to the scale of the European Framework of Reference. This book aims to provide effective training for official TEF tests. The activities are concrete examples of the form of the exercises and the type of questions included in the TEF. Preparatory work for the TEF in French as a foreign language (FLE), in the Le nouvelle entrainez-vous collection, for older adolescents and adults.

    Tef 250 Activities